Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today at work, circa 11am, some IDIOT called and asked to speak to the producer of the Snuggie commercial. I was like, "wait, what? the SNUGGIE? like the blanket?" and the guy on the other line was all calm and cool like "Yeah. In AdAge today it says your agency produces it." and I was just baffled. Baffled that A) This commercial was actually produced by an Ad Agency? and B) That my agency is the one being blamed for it.

The best part was when I told the guy he had his facts wrong (or more like "i'm sorry, but we don't produce that") he didn't believe me. I had to google the adage article and read it to him to prove that our agency didn't produce this shit.

I think snuggies are ridiculous. seriously. the only time i will be wearing a snuggie is when i break both of my arms at the same time and can't physically use a blanket.

hearts and unicorns,

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