Monday, March 9, 2009

turning boys to men and then back again

i just want to get confirmation of the greatness of this song. i know this is the second time i'm posting it, but i don't care. i'm endorsing. PB&J.

it's one of those weeks where i dont want to do anything but work and go to the gym so this weekend is extra spectacular, double-time spectacular, due to lack of spectacularness during the week. i do not even want to see watchmen on imax this week. actually, i don't want to see watchmen, ever. am i normal? speaking of the gym, this is one of the best facebook stati (plural of status, says me) i've seen in a while. "food for thought" if you will:

did i get roofied and interviewed without my consent?

So after clicking this weeks article in NY Mag's Sex Diaries I seriously couldn't read past the first 3 paragraphs because it reminded me so much of myself i couldn't bear to see where it's going. you can read the rest here, though, don't tell me how it turns out.