Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Good Time To Party.

This is my mom's response to my posting.

Also, My parents are going to Cabo San Lucas (sp?) and my mom likes to send me "Digital Brochures" of their suite to make me jealous. But at least she gives me tips on good times to party.

Contributions to Society

So, they messed up the location, but they actually posted my tip of seeing Christian Siriano on Sexy.

Also, on the Soho bus this morning, I saw the author of one of my favorite blogs (I'm lame), Melanie from Platinum Blonde Life. ( I am 100% sure it was her because I read her blog religiously and she sometimes posts pictures of herself-- she is pretty unique looking, so it was definitely not a look-alike. I really wanted to be like "hey melanie. i know all about you. i read your blog. etc. etc" but that would be pretty weird. maybe next time.

i also see a very cute and endearing gentleman on the bus in the morning. one day, i will talk to him... and let him know i already have the name of our first child picked out, that it's the name of the street i take the bus to. wouldn't that be cute? (kidding, kidding. kinda.)

i think i'm losing it a little. i'm hungover. FOB (friend of blogger) Alex D. fed me 5 double jack&cokes at the Kings of Leon concert last night. Alex D., ihaychu a little.