So you know when you have to spell things on the phone, but it's hard to distinguish letters from other letters, so you have to assign a word to the letter so the person on the other line knows what you're spelling?
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT WORD TO ASSIGN. This boggles me. I have to spell things over the phone all the time, and I seriously have so many Freudian slips. Like today I had to give a confirmation number over the phone, which is the worst, because you have to assign so many words. It was something like DVEFG.
So I was like "d.. as in DOG" (that one is easy)
"V... as in.." and the only word i could think of was vagina. I'm not lying. But I managed to get out "Vampire" which is weird in it's own right.
Then the rest went like this:
E.. as in egg.
F.. as in food. in giraffe.
I don't think those are normal words to assign? A lot of people use names, like "D as in Donald, E as in Edward, F as in Frank" -- is that what you're supposed to do?
Do normal people know this? Am I just stupid? NO ONE EVER TAUGHT ME THIS!! THEY DON'T TEACH YOU THIS STUFF IN COLLEGE. :(
Oh, so I just googled it an apparently it's this:
Alpha Bravo Charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliette kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebec romeo sierra tango uniform victor whiskey x-ray yankee zulu
..good to know but i will never say "p as in papa" or w as in whiskey. i'd sound like a spanish hooker.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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this is definitely one of my favorite entries yet. i barely managed to stifle an l-o-l.
hey, remember when you were going to write an introductory entry and i was going to be a hip and savvy blogger too? those were the days.
this is so true and so funny! i laughed out loud and made my mom come read it. she agrees with me that you should be a writer for snl or some sort of comedy show. or just a stand up comedian. last comic standing? regardless, love this entry.
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