Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Post Today...

It's been a slow one at the office. Between G-mail chatting and shoving popcorn down my throat, I have successfully acquired 13 emails in my inbox. I've been searching the amazing internet and happened to find this interesting site called improveverywhere which is basically a cool group of people that put together flash mobs, pillow fights, and other fun who-see-what-see events including have a 100 people show up to a subway stop in their undies. nice.

Anyways, for our gazillion readers out there I'm posting their latest event called the MP3 Experiment where basically anyone who wants to can download a song, show up to a specified place and play the song all together (now) NYC style. The musical gathering will take place on September 27, 2008. A, bring your sweet iPhone.

I am posting this shizniz. You better go:

How to eat on a budget in NYC

1. Always volunteer to prep for client meetings. No one will notice if the occasional chocolate covered pretzel goes missing.

2. Sit at the lunch table while the boss eats. He's sure to hand over his leftovers

3. Snack on a ridic amount of dark chocolate hersey kisses / miniature dove bars

Online Shopping

I'm sick. It sucks but it's a good excuse to spend money while not moving. Hello online shopping.

If you have an design friends who wear skinny jeans with a paisley top and Pocahontas's headband, boy do I have a store for you. Enter Veer Stock Photography Merchandise Site.

Who would have thunk it? They have some pretty trendy stuff including a "pitter-patter" umbrella, the coolest teapot eva, and some sweet-ass lamps.

Check it:

Thursday Morning Goodies

I like pie. And cake. I like to eat it at all times. But obviously I cannot do that so I must make substitutions. Today for breakfast I had this Clif bar and it was delicious. I like getting seasonal flavors since they're fleeting, ya know?

Spotted on Mercer and Prince at approximately 8:47am: a very intense Murse. I've seen man purses before but this one really takes the cake. I wanted it for myself. This guy didn't even seem gay, it was weird. Snapped it with the iphone.

Lastly, my personal fave Thursday Morning Jam:
Let it Fall by Swedish Sensation Lykke Li.