Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Funny Story Actually

So a couple weeks ago in Philly I met some dude at a bar and we were talking like normal people, he was 26 and really boring and I was 22 and really not boring (just kidding or am I?)

Anyway the conversation ended with him asking me if I have ever seen Summer Heights High. I was all "no what is that." He explained it's a really hilarious show, that he is addicted, and after I watch it, "THEN we can be friends." LIKE I CARE!

Anyway, I watched it. And it's hilarious. I'm considering finding him on Facebook to tell him. I'm creepy like that. We'll see. I suggest you watch it as well, I've only seen one episode...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So weird...someone just asked me if I watched that show yesterday and told me how funny it was so I checked out the clips on youtube last night...I love it, I need to see the full seasons.

A - if I ever get to visit S again...I have a feeling we're going to get along really well.