Monday, December 8, 2008


S, FOB/Certified Badass Alex D., some other neat lay-deeeez and I are going to The Virgins concert in a couple of days here in el ciudad. Not a HUGE fan or anything, and I'm pretty sure their album is in solid rotation at the CW Headquarters as Gossip Girl soundtrack music.. and also played in mall stores like Hollister / Abercrombie for awkward tweens. But tickets were only $15 and after a couple of Blueberry Stoli-and-diets (shoutout K.D.) I'm sure it'll be a good time. And the venue is cool (Bowery Ballroom), and the show is sold out at least.

Rich Girls -- Official Video

One Week of Danger (just song).

And speaking of awkward tweens, you can check out their myspace here.

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