Best find ever - laptop in the trash. A and I use to take the trash out at my old agency when we worked there together. Yes, menial tasks were delegated to the newbies. Or should I say women. So I basically trash picked myself a sweet Gateway laptop.
This thing has been sitting on my desk for the longest time and I never once turned it on thinking that no one would surely throw out a perfectly working computer. I was wrong.
I did some pretty exciting stuff this weekend.
1. Twisted, Jived, and Shimmied myself silly at Home Sweet Home.
2. Ate delish carrot, raisin waffles at Kitchenette. Yummers.
3. Decided to take the lovely sport of rock climbing up. I was a total monkey as a child and climbed anything worth getting to the top of. Thus, I participated in Rock Climbing Camp via the girl-scout-a-licious Camp Mosey Woods (good times c. ellen). I thought I was the bomb dig. And to this day I still believe that my skillz have never left me, regardless of the fact that my 80 pound frame as a 10 year old had everything to do with my ability to scale cliffs. Let's just say I'm not 80 pounds anymore... my guns better be able to overcompensate for my ass.
I have to work tomorrow. It's Sunday people, God's day of rest for Christ sake. Shoot me now please.
Belay on my friends.
Sigh...I probably weighed twice what you weighed in 6th grade...no wonder I couldn't scale those mountains. I remember KF yelling at me to get my ass in gear and stop complaining - those were the days of tough love. Now everyone just talks smack.
I went to camp Moseywood!!! I did the intense overnight thing in 5th grade, we stayed in tents for a week.
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