Take today, for instance. I walked into the Soho Bloomingdale's thinking I'd kill some time before meeting a friend. I actually did not end up KILLING time, but more like gaining some more (ha. ha. knee slapper!) because I walked out with a Michael Kors watch. Who buys a watch on a brim? But what can I say, it was love at first sight. Just look at the little description:
"This sophisticated ladies watch is cased within a cream horn bracelet and its facia includes a cream mother-of-pearl dial. Ideal for day or nightwear."
I have two fetishes (this feels like an inaccurate pluralization of fetish but whateva): Lip gloss, and, now that I'm becoming a working woman, watches. Mind you, people do not find fetishes; fetishes find them.
I think my personal, semi-fetishes are quite parallel. I value my Chanel Lipgloss and Michele watch as much as I value my Bonne Belle Dr. Pepper and my Armitron running stopwatch from Walmart. However, if I were to lose the Michele/Chanel or any Michael Kors/Stila I'd be a whole lot more perturbed than if I were to lose the CVS/Wally World stuff.
My Chanel Lipgloss is actually missing right now, but Chanel lipgloss doesn't just go missing. It gets stolen. Copped. Snatched. Jacked.
Until next time.
P.S. Please excuse the materialistic post, but I had to get it out of my system.