Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Slightly Stupid

So you know when you have to spell things on the phone, but it's hard to distinguish letters from other letters, so you have to assign a word to the letter so the person on the other line knows what you're spelling?

HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT WORD TO ASSIGN. This boggles me. I have to spell things over the phone all the time, and I seriously have so many Freudian slips. Like today I had to give a confirmation number over the phone, which is the worst, because you have to assign so many words. It was something like DVEFG.

So I was like "d.. as in DOG" (that one is easy)
"V... as in.." and the only word i could think of was vagina. I'm not lying. But I managed to get out "Vampire" which is weird in it's own right.

Then the rest went like this:

E.. as in egg.
F.. as in food. in giraffe.

I don't think those are normal words to assign? A lot of people use names, like "D as in Donald, E as in Edward, F as in Frank" -- is that what you're supposed to do?

Do normal people know this? Am I just stupid? NO ONE EVER TAUGHT ME THIS!! THEY DON'T TEACH YOU THIS STUFF IN COLLEGE. :(

Oh, so I just googled it an apparently it's this:
Alpha Bravo Charlie delta echo foxtrot golf hotel india juliette kilo lima mike november oscar papa quebec romeo sierra tango uniform victor whiskey x-ray yankee zulu

..good to know but i will never say "p as in papa" or w as in whiskey. i'd sound like a spanish hooker.