So, they messed up the location, but they actually posted my tip of seeing Christian Siriano on gawker.com. Sexy.
Also, on the Soho bus this morning, I saw the author of one of my favorite blogs (I'm lame), Melanie from Platinum Blonde Life. (www.platinumblondelife.com). I am 100% sure it was her because I read her blog religiously and she sometimes posts pictures of herself-- she is pretty unique looking, so it was definitely not a look-alike. I really wanted to be like "hey melanie. i know all about you. i read your blog. etc. etc" but that would be pretty weird. maybe next time.
i also see a very cute and endearing gentleman on the bus in the morning. one day, i will talk to him... and let him know i already have the name of our first child picked out, that it's the name of the street i take the bus to. wouldn't that be cute? (kidding, kidding. kinda.)
i think i'm losing it a little. i'm hungover. FOB (friend of blogger) Alex D. fed me 5 double jack&cokes at the Kings of Leon concert last night. Alex D., ihaychu a little.