I was gallivanting around DUMBO today and I stumbled inside a Jacques Torres chocolate shop, which I have heard of, but have never been to. Didn't even know it was in DUMBO - there are 4 locations: Amsterdam, NYC (Hudson St. and DUMBO) and Traverse City, Michigan (random and I don't think they deserve one).
Anyway, I got a chocolate chip cookie, and it was by far the best chocolate chip cookie I have ever had in my life. It was like 85% chocolate, 15% cookie dough. And they heat them A LOT so they're all melty. I definitely rode home on the subway with chocolate all over my face. And also I have the song "Disturbia" by Rihanna in my head but I've been substituting "nausea" in place of disturbia because I feel sick. I'm not making that up.