Tuesday, April 28, 2009


so i've always been pretty broke, but this week I'm ESPECIALLY broke. Which, I can live with. I'm just calling living off of one Luna bar a day, one light and fit yogurt and possibly a pb&j for dinner (the sandwich, not the band; tho possibly just the band if I end up not being able to afford the sandwich. we'll see) me "going on a diet."

but, the reason why I'm broke is because I'm brokEN. which kinda pisses me off, almost as much as A not wanting to go see my
 ex-notboyfriendbutiguesswewerekindadating's band, play tonight at Piano's.  j/k A, it pisses me off more that I'm broken.

So, backstory:  Two weeks into me moving to NYC, A, S, A's co-workers and I went out for a night on the town.  So everything was great; great laughs, great convos, great bourbon, great pizza along the way, and then all the sudden I was on the ground in hysterics with a broken collarbone.  Apparently, one of the coworkers either tackled me or tripped me or something. It doesn't really matter how it happened. bottom line is I was broken, badly, and it sucked. 

Anyway, I couldn't work for a while (obviously, needing surgery and such) and now I'm feelin' the bank account pain.  So this is my entertainment for the week/weekend:  

p.s. those cigs were free. I got them when i went home this past wkend. (I had an appt w. the surgeon) philly bars l-o-v-e giving out free cigs, which is why I'll always love philly bars. xox

seven (7)
