Thursday, January 22, 2009

My mom on the subway

She's a wee bit possessive.

images via gothamist

Yo, Aloha, Hola, Oy

Demetri Martin - the infamous 3rd year law school drop out, 250 word palindrome-creator, and comedic inspiration is hitting up NYC in February. Sadly both his shows are sold out. However, he did an awesome show on BBC called "IF I" (shout out to C for this beautiful find) which luckily is on Youtube. It's a 6-part series but the best is number 3. (I would totally recommend watching all 6 if you have a good hour to kill) Take a gander.

Is it weird that I find this man super sexy based soley on his palindromes?

Creepy CraigsList T-shirts that you can BUY on CraigsList