Some quality AM workout time at Oval Fitness.
Except I hate when I'm watching something funny on TV and laugh out loud while on the treadmill, do people notice? Awkward.
I met some Texan friends C & J for brunch at LES hotspot Essex. It was kind of like a club/bar vibe, with loud music and people throwing back drinks.. but in the daytime. C said cocaine was some Essex-goers breakfast of choice, as he saw it all up in the bathroom. I guess that's New York for ya. C & J were double-fisting mimosas, but I was trying to detoxify a bit, so I just had some virgin Marys. HA! Virgin Marys, you're supposed to laugh at that. It was funny though -- they had 3 drinks at the bar while we were waiting to get seated, then we realized the $16 brunch INCLUDED 3 drinks. And I gave them mine. And somehow the waitress ended up giving us drink tickets, so by the time we were outta there, they were 8 - 9 bloody marys/mimosas deep. Hilarious.

So after that, I convinced the crunk-monkies to go next door to my FAVORITE cupcake spot, Sugar Sweet Sunshine. You can never be too full for a cupcake(!!!) And these are normal-sized, and cheap.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with street shopping in Soho, shoe stores, abusing J's Anthropolgie discount (she works for Free People, sister store), and hunting for bathrooms since C had to pee a lot.

And, as we were leaving Anthropologie, Betsey Johnson walks by! C, who saw her show at Fashion Week, started to chat her up. She was a sweetheart and nice and thanked him for his compliments and everything. So cool. I only own one article of clothes by her, and I think one piece of jewelry, but cool nonetheless.
By this time, we were all shopped out and the drunk-os were hungry again, so we stopped at Veselka in the E.V., hipster central. I got 4 sweet potato perogies. Yum.

Oh, and en route, a homeless man asked me if I was a model. I said yes. Hey, I'll take it.. even if it's coming from someone who's starving and delusional.

Only bad part of the day: S meets up with us in Union Square to go see Role Models at Regal (J's third time seeing it, C's second, my first). No dice though, it was sold out. Bummer. So I stopped at Trader Joe's for some cheap groceries for this week (since I have no food money after today), and here I am, writing this post to share with probably no one.
But it was a good day. I love New York and the spontaneous fun it provides. Where else can you leave your apartment at 11:30am with no real plans and not get home until 9?

(I was going to use one of those cheesy "I <3 NY" symbols for this picture but that was too cliche).
If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. I'm definitely going to start buying lottery tickets, or somehow apply for a benefactor. Do benefactors exist these days? I want one.

This could be me!!!
The end.
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