Saturday, November 29, 2008
Marriage Shmarriage (Homie Don't Play That)

Tonight I was dining on a Fiesta Salad out with my mom when I overheard a group of girls sitting next to us talking about bridesmaid dresses. Lilac, to be exact. The girls looked to be about my age, and I started making fake-gagging noises to my mom about how it is "disgusting" and "stupid" when people get married so young (yep those are the first words that came to mind). My mom just replied "everyone's different." Since I've moved to NY, my negative feelings towards marriage have grown noticeably and irrevocably stronger.
One woman I babysat for is 28 and on her 3rd baby. I used to think of her and her husband as a normal couple-- 28 is normal to be married and having babies-- right? Then I graduated, and now that I'm 22, I don't know if I could imagine myself with a baby in six years. MAYBE, maybe, MAYBE - but definitely not with three! Two words: SOCIAL SUICIDE.
A lot of my friends are starting to get engaged and/or moving in together, and it's freaking me out. I remember in my economics class in my freshman year of college, the professor taught a whole lesson about the probability of meeting your husband/wife while in school -- basically, with the ratio of single men to women at the same point in their lives -- it was like a 79% chance you were going to meet the person you'd vow to spend the rest of your life with. I remember giving a sigh of relief I had 3.75 more years of college to find my husband. And, welp, that didn't happen. Unless I marry any of my ex-boyfriends (who, in their defense, I actually could have seen myself marrying at one point or another). Or somehow manage to turn any of my pseudo-gay friends straight... which would be a very chilly day in hell. Besides, I've self-diagnosed myself with ADHLD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Love Disorder - so, at this age, I'd probably get bored on the honeymoon and fly home early.
Long story short, I am quite content with being generally unattached and unengaged for now. Do I want to have someone to share things with? Yes. Do I want to be head-over-heels about someone? Of course. Do I want to start planning a wedding, complete with cheesy engagement photos (see above)? HELLLLLL to the NO. In NYC, this attitude is common-- no one would judge me by this. But I think a lot of non-NY girls pity me.
So, when those girls are miserable and pregnant by age 26, I hope to be with a hot(but not TOO hot!), semi-serious (but not TOO serious!) boyfriend, surrounded by good company and squeezing every millisecond out of my youth/unwrinkled skin.
Besides, do you know how much babysitters charge these days? An hour of babysitting is, like, a handle of cheap vodka (two hours and you can throw in a brita to filter that junk into Grey Goose).

Of course, my opinion on marriage may change next week.
Stay tuned, lovely readers, stay tuned.
This weekend was really crazy. Crazy in that I saw way too many people from my younger years, crazy in that I feel like a true-blue adult, crazy in that the life I thought I left behind in my move to NYC feels like it will be permantly attached to my heart.
My good friend A-leigh sent me this article a while back and it seems fitting for the events that have transpired over the course of this 3 day vacation. It hits home at this point... not to get all girlie on you people or anything.
Women want things to go on. All things. Even, or perhaps particularly, sad things. We want our lovers to love us forever. Not necessarily to be with us forever, but to carry us someplace in their hearts, someplace prominent. Women want to matter. And as such, we do not like endings. We prefer the untidy swell and ebb of emotion to the change-of-address card. We know that feelings are complicated, fluid, uncontrollable-and all that really count in the final days of life. We know this intuitively, and because we know it, we are happy in the mess.
Men, not so much. When men leave a marriage, they just go. They follow their bliss. They make no apologies. They move on, the cord cut. Women need a reason to leave. "Because I want to," is never enough. We need witnesses and encouragement and approval and an alternate vision of our future.
This may be a bit creepy to post but I'm a self-proclaimed creep so read it and weep. Fo realz.
My good friend A-leigh sent me this article a while back and it seems fitting for the events that have transpired over the course of this 3 day vacation. It hits home at this point... not to get all girlie on you people or anything.
Women want things to go on. All things. Even, or perhaps particularly, sad things. We want our lovers to love us forever. Not necessarily to be with us forever, but to carry us someplace in their hearts, someplace prominent. Women want to matter. And as such, we do not like endings. We prefer the untidy swell and ebb of emotion to the change-of-address card. We know that feelings are complicated, fluid, uncontrollable-and all that really count in the final days of life. We know this intuitively, and because we know it, we are happy in the mess.
Men, not so much. When men leave a marriage, they just go. They follow their bliss. They make no apologies. They move on, the cord cut. Women need a reason to leave. "Because I want to," is never enough. We need witnesses and encouragement and approval and an alternate vision of our future.
This may be a bit creepy to post but I'm a self-proclaimed creep so read it and weep. Fo realz.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Look at our lives, they're so col-or-ful...
...a wonderful spectrum, not one tone dull.
Q-Tip-- Gettin' Up
My good pal Max played this for me when I visited him today because he thought I'd like it. I did. Hi Max!
Q-Tip-- Gettin' Up
My good pal Max played this for me when I visited him today because he thought I'd like it. I did. Hi Max!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Twin love

So my sister came to visit yesterday. We basically consumed every food imaginable in a 24 hour period. Sushi, hot chocolate, red mango, calamari, roast beef, crab cakes, chai tea lattes, five guys burgers, fries, and soda. One word: phat. See picture above and our permanently food-caked mouths.
Also, my sis commuted two hours with her own comforter so that she didn't have to share my blankets. We certainly are the most tender of twins.
Le Roadtrip!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
For All Your Lies You're Still Very Loveable
I love Bon Iver so hard. His songs are so beautiful. I came across this a capella video of "For Emma" -- I guess it was spontaneously sung in a Paris hallway right before a show. I can't stop watching it. The best is at 1:35 when the guy comes in w/ "go find another lover"...
Bon Iver means "good winter" from the French "bon hiver." I read that he spent 3 months in solitude during the winter in a cabin in Wisconsin, not planning to make music or write an album or anything, but left with For Emma, Forever Ago , which is just so... lovely.
Here's another good one, Skinny Love: (no video)
Bon Iver means "good winter" from the French "bon hiver." I read that he spent 3 months in solitude during the winter in a cabin in Wisconsin, not planning to make music or write an album or anything, but left with For Emma, Forever Ago , which is just so... lovely.
Here's another good one, Skinny Love: (no video)
You know where me and my stylist will be tonight
Monday, November 24, 2008
Female Flashcards
I was asked to write about this awhile ago, but I was thinking about it as I was eating my dinner awkwardly over the kitchen sink (MLISA) and become re-inspired.
These are terms used by my girlfriends, who are my age, vulgar, and scattered across the East Coast -- used in the dating/hooking up/birds-and-the-bees context. Some were left in College and not brought to the real world; some are still used daily.
1) Repeat Offender: A boy who you've already "got it on" with in the past; usually the past history is used to assuage any guilt felt after a more recent rekindling.
Mary: Did you guys, ya know, do it?
Sheila: Yeah, but it doesn't really count -- he's a repeat offender.
2) Supercrush: Self-explanatory. One may have multiple crushes, but only one Supercrush, and no two friends can have the same Supercrush.
"We are having a party this Thursday just so Kelly can invite her Supercrush from Psych class."
3) MO (Pronounced Moe): Short for Making Out.
"Pretty sure we were Mo-ing on the dance floor. Shoot me."
4) Boy Twin: A girl who shares similar past boyfriends/semi-boyfriends/lovers as you, which therefore makes you hate her.
"Patty is my Boy Twin, she was with Bobby, dated Roger, and is now with Paul.. all after me!"
5) Fade-Away: A move used when there are no longer sparks felt, but you don't want to have any kind of awkward conversation to end things, so you simply phase yourself out until all ties are cut.
"He's turning into such a time-waster, I think I need to pull the fade-away. I'll just lower the ratio of my texts to his texts until it's eventually over."
6) Simultaneous Fade-Away: When two people begin to phase each other out at the same time, having the opposite effect and causing the original plan to backfire.
"I haven't called him in a week, but he hasn't called me in a week! I think we are pulling a simultaneous fade-away. What did I do to make him not like me? Now I kind of want to hang out with him again."
These are the only ones I can think of right now, but I know there are tons more so maybe I'll update the list when my friends get back to me.
These are terms used by my girlfriends, who are my age, vulgar, and scattered across the East Coast -- used in the dating/hooking up/birds-and-the-bees context. Some were left in College and not brought to the real world; some are still used daily.
1) Repeat Offender: A boy who you've already "got it on" with in the past; usually the past history is used to assuage any guilt felt after a more recent rekindling.
Mary: Did you guys, ya know, do it?
Sheila: Yeah, but it doesn't really count -- he's a repeat offender.
2) Supercrush: Self-explanatory. One may have multiple crushes, but only one Supercrush, and no two friends can have the same Supercrush.
"We are having a party this Thursday just so Kelly can invite her Supercrush from Psych class."
3) MO (Pronounced Moe): Short for Making Out.
"Pretty sure we were Mo-ing on the dance floor. Shoot me."
4) Boy Twin: A girl who shares similar past boyfriends/semi-boyfriends/lovers as you, which therefore makes you hate her.
"Patty is my Boy Twin, she was with Bobby, dated Roger, and is now with Paul.. all after me!"
5) Fade-Away: A move used when there are no longer sparks felt, but you don't want to have any kind of awkward conversation to end things, so you simply phase yourself out until all ties are cut.
"He's turning into such a time-waster, I think I need to pull the fade-away. I'll just lower the ratio of my texts to his texts until it's eventually over."
6) Simultaneous Fade-Away: When two people begin to phase each other out at the same time, having the opposite effect and causing the original plan to backfire.
"I haven't called him in a week, but he hasn't called me in a week! I think we are pulling a simultaneous fade-away. What did I do to make him not like me? Now I kind of want to hang out with him again."
These are the only ones I can think of right now, but I know there are tons more so maybe I'll update the list when my friends get back to me.
Just Stop
You are a murderer, of love!
I love this movie (Dan in Real Life).
And his daughter reminds me of myself in High School, but a tiny bit more dramatic.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Lazy Sundays
So this weekend further solidified my "I <3 NYC" phase. Especially today.
Current Activities of this Sunday:
Waking up
Eating Brunch
Playlisting it see below.
Spooning Ashleigh
I live a hard life. An excruciatingly hard life. Obvi.
Current morning playlist with A-leigh
Cat Power - Wild is the wind
Dave Matthews - Grey Blue Eyes
Athlete - Wires (heyyyyyyy Thomas)See below
Leona Lewis - Cover of Snowpatrol's "Run"
Carrie Underwood - Just a Dream (live)
Incubus - I miss you (Acoustic)
Paulo Nutini - Last Request
Wires by Athlete is probably my new favorite song, shout out to promiscuous british boys for this one.
Current Activities of this Sunday:
Waking up
Eating Brunch
Playlisting it see below.
Spooning Ashleigh
I live a hard life. An excruciatingly hard life. Obvi.
Current morning playlist with A-leigh
Cat Power - Wild is the wind
Dave Matthews - Grey Blue Eyes
Athlete - Wires (heyyyyyyy Thomas)See below
Leona Lewis - Cover of Snowpatrol's "Run"
Carrie Underwood - Just a Dream (live)
Incubus - I miss you (Acoustic)
Paulo Nutini - Last Request
Wires by Athlete is probably my new favorite song, shout out to promiscuous british boys for this one.
Liquid Crack
Friday, November 21, 2008
My New Haircut: Canine Version

My mom sent me this picture of my dog, Prince William Louis, (Willie), who just got a new haircut. Isn't he handsome?? I miss that bugger.
If he lived in New York, I'd get him on this blog.
Cause he cool like dat.

"The ultra-exclusive nightclub once buried away under the Mercer Hotel has been circulating the streets of New York for years. And now, after being closed for over five years, The Submercer—legendary for its celebrity-packed parties— is open for business."
"Bypass the main chamber with the bar and head to the smaller back room with its red walls, red banquettes, classic cocktails and...red stripper pole"
Well we all know where I'll be hanging out. It's red, stripped, and calling my legs.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Our Waitress is a Lesbian
...and this song was just playing in the bar, and I forgot how much I love it.
Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Too bad I can't even afford this t-shirt.

That Marilyn Monroe hoodie on the same site is pretty funny though.
**Update- the guy who started this site, Clinton Van Gemert, actually went to college with me and graduated a couple of years ahead. Apparently he quit his job full time to run this headhoods business out of his apartment in Brooklyn- and it's doing really well. He got a lot of press for his Obama hoodie, was mentioned on Kanye West's blog, has fans overseas, etc. etc. etc.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Featuring Meghan Gill!
My friend Meghan is going to be embarrassed that I'm putting this on here, but she is a great little singer and I miss her serenading me in my apartment. We had class together in college and both spent two summers in New York, and now have very similar jobs.. anyway, hi Meghan! More good times to come, that one night in Brooklyn (the Boris Yeltsin one) is still very high up on my list of favorite nights :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I Love Love
I love love. I love The Notebook, Valentine's Day (even when sans-boyfriend), and all things gushy and sentimental. I do. Here are a few of my favorite love songs ever.
Something by the Beatles. I grew up with this song on repeat.
Stars - My Favorite Book. A new classic.
Radiohead - Creep. Not exactly a positive love song, but so perfectly high school. I remember when my boyfriend put this in his AIM profile about me. Haha, AIM profiles as an emotional outlet... those were the days.
Something by the Beatles. I grew up with this song on repeat.
Stars - My Favorite Book. A new classic.
Radiohead - Creep. Not exactly a positive love song, but so perfectly high school. I remember when my boyfriend put this in his AIM profile about me. Haha, AIM profiles as an emotional outlet... those were the days.
New York, you're perfect, so please don't change a thing.
This blog post will be a pictorial documentation of how I spent my S(f)unday.
Some quality AM workout time at Oval Fitness.
Except I hate when I'm watching something funny on TV and laugh out loud while on the treadmill, do people notice? Awkward.

I met some Texan friends C & J for brunch at LES hotspot Essex. It was kind of like a club/bar vibe, with loud music and people throwing back drinks.. but in the daytime. C said cocaine was some Essex-goers breakfast of choice, as he saw it all up in the bathroom. I guess that's New York for ya. C & J were double-fisting mimosas, but I was trying to detoxify a bit, so I just had some virgin Marys. HA! Virgin Marys, you're supposed to laugh at that. It was funny though -- they had 3 drinks at the bar while we were waiting to get seated, then we realized the $16 brunch INCLUDED 3 drinks. And I gave them mine. And somehow the waitress ended up giving us drink tickets, so by the time we were outta there, they were 8 - 9 bloody marys/mimosas deep. Hilarious.

So after that, I convinced the crunk-monkies to go next door to my FAVORITE cupcake spot, Sugar Sweet Sunshine. You can never be too full for a cupcake(!!!) And these are normal-sized, and cheap.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with street shopping in Soho, shoe stores, abusing J's Anthropolgie discount (she works for Free People, sister store), and hunting for bathrooms since C had to pee a lot.

And, as we were leaving Anthropologie, Betsey Johnson walks by! C, who saw her show at Fashion Week, started to chat her up. She was a sweetheart and nice and thanked him for his compliments and everything. So cool. I only own one article of clothes by her, and I think one piece of jewelry, but cool nonetheless.

By this time, we were all shopped out and the drunk-os were hungry again, so we stopped at Veselka in the E.V., hipster central. I got 4 sweet potato perogies. Yum.
Oh, and en route, a homeless man asked me if I was a model. I said yes. Hey, I'll take it.. even if it's coming from someone who's starving and delusional.

Only bad part of the day: S meets up with us in Union Square to go see Role Models at Regal (J's third time seeing it, C's second, my first). No dice though, it was sold out. Bummer. So I stopped at Trader Joe's for some cheap groceries for this week (since I have no food money after today), and here I am, writing this post to share with probably no one.
But it was a good day. I love New York and the spontaneous fun it provides. Where else can you leave your apartment at 11:30am with no real plans and not get home until 9?

(I was going to use one of those cheesy "I <3 NY" symbols for this picture but that was too cliche).
If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. I'm definitely going to start buying lottery tickets, or somehow apply for a benefactor. Do benefactors exist these days? I want one.

This could be me!!!
The end.
Some quality AM workout time at Oval Fitness.
Except I hate when I'm watching something funny on TV and laugh out loud while on the treadmill, do people notice? Awkward.
I met some Texan friends C & J for brunch at LES hotspot Essex. It was kind of like a club/bar vibe, with loud music and people throwing back drinks.. but in the daytime. C said cocaine was some Essex-goers breakfast of choice, as he saw it all up in the bathroom. I guess that's New York for ya. C & J were double-fisting mimosas, but I was trying to detoxify a bit, so I just had some virgin Marys. HA! Virgin Marys, you're supposed to laugh at that. It was funny though -- they had 3 drinks at the bar while we were waiting to get seated, then we realized the $16 brunch INCLUDED 3 drinks. And I gave them mine. And somehow the waitress ended up giving us drink tickets, so by the time we were outta there, they were 8 - 9 bloody marys/mimosas deep. Hilarious.

So after that, I convinced the crunk-monkies to go next door to my FAVORITE cupcake spot, Sugar Sweet Sunshine. You can never be too full for a cupcake(!!!) And these are normal-sized, and cheap.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with street shopping in Soho, shoe stores, abusing J's Anthropolgie discount (she works for Free People, sister store), and hunting for bathrooms since C had to pee a lot.

And, as we were leaving Anthropologie, Betsey Johnson walks by! C, who saw her show at Fashion Week, started to chat her up. She was a sweetheart and nice and thanked him for his compliments and everything. So cool. I only own one article of clothes by her, and I think one piece of jewelry, but cool nonetheless.
By this time, we were all shopped out and the drunk-os were hungry again, so we stopped at Veselka in the E.V., hipster central. I got 4 sweet potato perogies. Yum.

Oh, and en route, a homeless man asked me if I was a model. I said yes. Hey, I'll take it.. even if it's coming from someone who's starving and delusional.

Only bad part of the day: S meets up with us in Union Square to go see Role Models at Regal (J's third time seeing it, C's second, my first). No dice though, it was sold out. Bummer. So I stopped at Trader Joe's for some cheap groceries for this week (since I have no food money after today), and here I am, writing this post to share with probably no one.
But it was a good day. I love New York and the spontaneous fun it provides. Where else can you leave your apartment at 11:30am with no real plans and not get home until 9?

(I was going to use one of those cheesy "I <3 NY" symbols for this picture but that was too cliche).
If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow. I'm definitely going to start buying lottery tickets, or somehow apply for a benefactor. Do benefactors exist these days? I want one.

This could be me!!!
The end.
Life is Good
So it's almost 5 in the morning and I had a revelation tonight. I really love NYC and I really love my life right now. Those statements might be mutually exclusive. For a while there, I was longing for Philadelphia but I think I have moved past the city of brother onto the healthier apple kind. I have this long standing competition with my friend Drew about what city is better - NYC or LA. I think this weekend proved my side pretty well. What city can you randomly go to a sweet ass club, have a chat with a famous rap artist, drink free greygoose, and dance your ass off until 4 in the morning with the most random group of hotness that is the typical nyc'er. Then get up to do it all over again on Saturday.
I use to think that I could never entirely grasp this city. I was wrong. My friends and I just danced Fiddlesticks into a frenzy. I realize that you might not be able to "own" the whole city but you definitely can "own" the night. And boy does NYC really allow you to divide and conquer.
A, I love your posts and I missed you dearly tonight. I posted f-book style to let you know. I'm a creep.
Iron & Wine Monday biotches.
I use to think that I could never entirely grasp this city. I was wrong. My friends and I just danced Fiddlesticks into a frenzy. I realize that you might not be able to "own" the whole city but you definitely can "own" the night. And boy does NYC really allow you to divide and conquer.
A, I love your posts and I missed you dearly tonight. I posted f-book style to let you know. I'm a creep.
Iron & Wine Monday biotches.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Remixes are for Kids
you know i love myself girly remixes. i definitely have over-listened to these songs, but they make me happy. and bring back some memories i won't detail here...
kanye & peter bjorn and john:
feist & some dude i've never heard of:
Feist - Mushaboom (K-Os Mix)
This isn't a remix, but I've had a girl crush on Regina Spektor since I saw her play in Chicago. Her older stuff is so good, esp. Consequence of Sounds:
kanye & peter bjorn and john:
feist & some dude i've never heard of:
Feist - Mushaboom (K-Os Mix)
This isn't a remix, but I've had a girl crush on Regina Spektor since I saw her play in Chicago. Her older stuff is so good, esp. Consequence of Sounds:
Sand is overrated, it's just tiny little rocks.
I'm really busy doing nothing right now, and trying to get out of the music rut I've been in lately, and came across a band called Her Space Holiday on hype machine. I don't see myself becoming a fan but their songs/youtube videos are hitting the spot right now. Super random, super stupid.
Side Note: Name the movie my blog title is from. Without googling. First person to get it right gets a prize. What is that e-money called? Paypal? yeah, i'll give you a dollar through paypal or something.
Side Note: Name the movie my blog title is from. Without googling. First person to get it right gets a prize. What is that e-money called? Paypal? yeah, i'll give you a dollar through paypal or something.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kanye knows what's up
Dido : S :: Kanye : A
"I had a dream I could buy my way to heaven
When I awoke I spent that on a necklace."
i feel you, k, i feel you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
College Flashback
So in college, my Junior year, Saint Patrick's day fell over Spring Break. Therefore, the students moved the holiday to a new date, where everyone would be at school to celebrate (naturally). I give you: State Patty's Day, March 1st.
Then, my Senior year, we celebrated State Patty's Day again. It apparently has become a tradition... I just googled it and found www.statepattysday.org-- the State College community is definitely trying to make it "safe", blah blah blah, I just remember there being tons of cops on horseback and citations here and there..
Anyway, long story short, I made this video last year when I took some shaky, drunken footage with my iFlip camera I got for Christmas (thanks Mom!) I actually thought I lost it during the great Computer Crash of 2008 (which made me slightly suicidal and i had pinkeye at the time), but I was going through my little maccy and found it randomly.
It's kind of boring, but it ends with us throwing a computer monitor off of a fraternity roof. Pure class, my friends, pure class.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Song Du Jour
I don't like to go through life without having a concert to attend in the future. The next one I'm going to (with S!) is Iron & Wine, one week from today. This is my favorite song by them.
I kind of hate his beard, though.. I feel like he's keeping pets in it. Or silverware.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Because nothing cures a hangover like a brisk walk to the Lower East Side for a Coconut Glazed doughnut. With a Roasted Chestnut doughnut on the side. Makes being chubby so worth it. www.doughnutplant.com

Just saw Synechdoche New York at the Sunshine Cinema.
It was one of those movies that makes you feel really creepy afterward and I didn't really know what to think/do/feel when it was over.
Wouldn't recommend it. Or, definitely just a rental so you can turn if off and switch to a DVR'd episode of Gossip Girl when things get weird.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I lost my life in a matter of 4 day

So this is real deal advertising. Up till 1am - back in the office at 7:15am. Definitely living the sweet life. Oddly, I like it.
Word on the street is we got ourselves some new readers of the B/DZP crowd. E, if you're gonna read, you better comment.
Obama. yes. Here's a nice pictorial representation of our presidents...
Monday, November 3, 2008
We came. We saw. We danced.
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